About Us
Since 2009, the BRN has been assisting companies access hundreds of programs and services to help local and regional companies compete, grow and succeed. We’ve assisted over 3,500 companies access over $19,000,000 in local, state and federal programs and incentives.

Who We Are and Why We Matter
First of all, the BRN is NOT a new organization. The network is administered through the local workforce development board in each service area.
What we are is a collaborative and growing group of the region’s chambers of commerce, workforce training organizations, schools, colleges and universities and government agencies that all offer some sort of business service. Our network includes every critical business service provider-from major federal and state programs to local organizations that can help you and your workers solve problems close to home.
The large number and scope of available workforce and economic development programs is overwhelming to employers and as a result, they are not accessing nor using these resources. Small to medium-sized companies, which must focus on their day-to-day operations, do not have the time to research and contact these resources.
The BRN takes the hundreds of resources and streamlines them into a single access point for employers, bringing them from Point A-to-Z of the process. The BRN navigates through the red tape of governmental agencies and programs to determine which funding streams would be best suited to the employer's current and future needs to grow, improve, or expand their businesses.
Mission Statement
The Business Resource Network helps regional businesses thrive, grow and create jobs by bringing a strategic and collaborative approach to solving their problems and expanding their opportunities.
This client-centered approach transcends individual programs and red tape to focus on meeting the complete business service needs of the client and delivering measurable results to our clients and communities.
Vision Statement
Enrich Communities by Building Stronger Businesses.
More about The BRN
Our Expansion
Executive Summary
Best Practices